Over the years I have experimented endlessly with different techniques, tools and processes in painting. I estimate that half of my overall time in the studio has been spent doing this. Why? because I never wanted to simply know just how to paint. I wanted to know how to squeeze the most out of the medium of painting and make it do what I wanted in order to achieve my personal goals.
I use a wide variety of paint brushes, this is a tool that I use on all my paintings at some point, having such a library of tools and knowing their capabilities enable an exciting variety in my artwork, that I believe can be traced back to me as an individual.
Along with traditional and more fluid painting techniques, I use a host of other painting tools. The long process of combining these to create layer upon layer of my paintings results in an often-complex final image. The process is what creates the end, an important point seemingly overlooked by many.
I have been influenced by painting techniques that changed the 19th, 20th and 21st century, pioneered by Turner, Pollock, Richter, Hoyland, Hodgkin, Doig and Saville. I often think back to these individuals and I am assured that there is still great depth and meaning to be gained from the medium of paint.